Lower Extremity Arterial Ultrasound

Lower Extremity Arterial Ultrasound

Lower Extremity Arterial Ultrasound
We are proud to offer lower extremity arterial ultrasound as part of our Vascular Interventions and Treatments. This unique service utilizes non-invasive imaging technology to assess the arteries in your legs and feet, detecting blood clots, blockages, and other abnormalities that can cause serious health issues. With our expert team of vascular specialists, we provide a personalized approach to identify any potential issues and develop a comprehensive treatment plan for your individual needs. Don't wait to prioritize your vascular health - contact us today to schedule your lower extremity arterial ultrasound.

Get in Touch

In case of emergency, please call 911. Please CALL the office at 727-943-5200 to make appointments, for medication requests / refills, or any symptoms. Reply to this email make take days. Thank you for your understanding. Have a great day!